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liquibase update where with LIKE clause

I want to add LIKE clause to liquibase update. Have done something like that, but it seems to be not working properly:

    <changeSet id="LoremIpsum" author="JohnDoe">
    <update tableName="table_for_John_Doe">
        <column name="id" value="000001"/>
            from LIKE :first OR
            from LIKE :second OR
            to LIKE :first OR
            to LIKE :second
            <param name="first" value="TEST1"/>
            <param name="second" value="TEST2"/>

I tried adding '' but again no expected results. If it should be working so maybe I have made a mistake somewhere else.

Should I write native sql query instead?


  • I think the problem is that you are using the whereParams incorrectly.
    Have a look here: LiquiBase : How to use <whereparams> inside an <update>?

    For a table like this:

    id name column_to_update
    1 AA
    2 AB
    3 BA
    3 CA

    The change set, for example to update all rows, where name starts with A or C, should look like this:

        <changeSet id="LoremIpsum" author="JohnDoe">
            <update tableName="table_for_John_Doe">
                <column name="column_to_update" value="000001"/>
                     :name LIKE :value or
                     :name LIKE :value 
                    <param name="name" value="A%"/>
                    <param name="name" value="C%"/>