I have a date value that is not a date value in the database. In the database it is a varchar2(6) and looks like this: 240416 (translates to 16.04.2024). My Question now is how can i change that format, when i make a query to a normal date format, as example DD/MM/YYYY?
Thanks to all in advance.
I tried to google an answer but did not find one.
As long as you know it's the current century you can do
select to_date('240416', 'yymmdd') from dual
From there on, it is handled like a normal date, which can be formatted either in your client or by other date handling function, like this
select mydate,
to_char(mydate, 'dd/mm/yyyy') formatteddate
from (
select to_date('240416', 'yymmdd') mydate
from dual