I have a script that runs az cli commands (in powershell). For example, i'm using a commands like this in the script:
az keyvault secret list ...
I pass parameters into the script, one of which is the keyvault name. For a given keyvault, i would like to return all the secrets in the keyvault that start with 'app'. So for example, if the following secrets are in a keyvault:
app1name app2name app1password dbpassword1 app2password dbpassword2
i want to script to return a list that is:
app1name app2name app1password app2password
To return secret names from KeyVault that start with a known prefix in a list:
In my environment, I have KeyVault and created secrets with names like app1name, app2name, app1password, dbpassword1, app2password, and dbpassword2.
as you mentioned.
To get the secret names with the prefix 'app' and output as app1name, app2name, app1password, app2password
, you can use the command below.
az keyvault secret list --vault-name $vaultname --query "[?starts_with(id, 'https://$vaultname.vault.azure.net/secrets/app')].name" --output tsv
PS /home/xxx> $vaultname="venkat0123"
PS /home/xxxx> az keyvault secret list --vault-name $vaultname --query "[?starts_with(id, 'https://$vaultname.vault.azure.net/secrets/app')].name" --output tsv
Reference: az keyvault secret | Microsoft Learn