Where is the equivalent documentation in expo router for this: https://reactnavigation.org/docs/tab-based-navigation#a-stack-navigator-for-each-tab
Basically id like to make nested stacks that use dynamic routes inside of my bottom tabs.
an example: lets say we have a tab that is like a text messaging app. that tab is called Chats. inside the Chats tab you can see all your chats and should be at /chats, and by clicking on a chat it should bring you to that screen with the message history: /chats/
I tried setting this up as the following, but its wrong because im getting 2 bottom tabs rendering, 1 for chats/index, and one for chats/[chat]/index:
I've just done exactly that.
_layout.tsx -> Let's call this TabsLayout
_layout.tsx -> Let's call this ChatsLayout
// app/(tabs)/_layout.tsx
import { Tabs } from "expo-router"
export default function TabLayout() {
return (
<Tabs.Screen name="chats" />
// app/(tabs)/chats/_layout.tsx
import { Stack } from "expo-router"
export default function ChatsLayout() {
return (
<Stack />
is where you place the list of chats, then you navigate to app/(tabs)/chats/<some-id>