I have a large dataframe and want to create several new dataframes from individual columns. Each new dataframe should consist of the first two columns plus one of the next columns.
I can do this manually; my desired dummy products being subA
, subB
, and subC
# dummy dataframe
chr1 <- letters[1:4]
chr2 <- letters[23:26]
A <- 1:4
B <- 5:8
C <- 9:12
data <- tibble(chr1, chr2, A, B, C)
# manual subsetting
subA <- data %>%
select(chr1, chr2, A)
subB <- data %>%
select(chr1, chr2, B)
subC <- data %>%
select(chr1, chr2, C)
However, my original dataframe has about 700 columns, so I am looking for some kind of simple iteration, preferably in tidyverse (purrr), that is flexible enough to be supplemented by pipes into additional functions.
in base
lapply(split.default(data[-c(1,2)], names(data[-c(1,2)])), function(x)
cbind(data[c(1,2)], x))
or in tidyverse
data %>%
pivot_longer(-c(1, 2)) %>%
split(., .$name) %>%
map(., ~pivot_wider(.x))
#> $A
#> # A tibble: 4 x 3
#> chr1 chr2 A
#> <chr> <chr> <int>
#> 1 a w 1
#> 2 b x 2
#> 3 c y 3
#> 4 d z 4
#> $B
#> # A tibble: 4 x 3
#> chr1 chr2 B
#> <chr> <chr> <int>
#> 1 a w 5
#> 2 b x 6
#> 3 c y 7
#> 4 d z 8
#> $C
#> # A tibble: 4 x 3
#> chr1 chr2 C
#> <chr> <chr> <int>
#> 1 a w 9
#> 2 b x 10
#> 3 c y 11
#> 4 d z 12
If you want to save these as individual dataframes:
lapply(split.default(data[-c(1,2)], paste0("sub", names(data[-c(1,2)]))), function(x)
cbind(data[c(1,2)], x)),
Created on 2024-01-16 with reprex v2.0.2