I am getting an ECONNRESET when doing an API call with $skip 10
in it. When calling the API without filters the data does pull into my Postman. The ECONNREST is immediate and it doesn't look like any data is pulled
Working call https://Dom/OData/foo/stockItems Also working https://Dom/OData/foo/stockItems?$top=1
Issue call https://Dom/OData/foo/stockItems?$skip=10&$top=10
The call is to a Acumatica instance where I am pulling the data
The cause was the General Inquiry had multiple instances of the same field configured. For example, there was a FinPeriodID and a FinPeriodID_2. Trying to filter on either of these caused an ECONNRESET error.
Referencing the duplicated fields in the $select causes no problems. It's just the filter that Acumatica doesn't seem to be able to handle.