After retrieving the first article number, I can only obtain the data for all products from the query. Each product has a "type_id" that determines in which junction table the product options can be found. My question is how can I specify conditions in the "->select()" parameter to ensure that only the value of the specific field from the corresponding junction table is retrieved each time.
The search query looks like this.
public function ProductQuery($queryValue)
$product = Product::leftjoin('option_tables_one', '', '=', 'option_tables_one.product_id')
->leftjoin('option_tables_two', '', '=', 'option_tables_two.product_id')
->leftjoin('option_tables_three', '', '=', 'option_tables_three.product_id')
->leftjoin('product_rows_sgsf', '', '=', 'product_rows_sgsf.product_id')
->where('option_tables_one.item_number', 'LIKE', '%' . $queryValue. '%')
->orWhere('option_tables_two.item_number', 'like', '%' . $queryValue . '%')
->orWhere('option_tables_three.item_number', 'like', '%' . $queryValue . '%')
return $product;
If the product's "type_id" is equal to 1, then within the "->select()" parameter, only these fields should be queried:
If the product's "type_id" is equal to 2, then within the "->select()" parameter, only these fields should be queried:
And so on...
I have a shorter query that produces the same result as the one seen above:
public function ProductQuery($queryValue)
$product = ProductOptionTableOne::with('product')->where('item_number', 'LIKE', "%{$queryValue}%")->first();
$product .= ProductOptionTableTwo::with('product')->where('item_number', 'LIKE', "%{$queryValue}%")->first();
$product .= ProductOptionTableThree::with('product')->where('item_number', 'LIKE', "%{$queryValue}%")->first();
return $product;
You can use mysql CASE statement
WHEN products.type_id = 2 THEN option_tables_two.item_number
WHEN products.type_id = 3 THEN option_tables_three.item_number
ELSE option_tables_one.item_number END AS item_number
WHEN products.type_id = 2 THEN option_tables_two.sales_price_netto
WHEN products.type_id = 3 THEN option_tables_three.sales_price_netto
ELSE option_tables_one.sales_price_netto END AS sales_price_netto
WHEN products.type_id = 2 THEN option_tables_two.stock
WHEN products.type_id = 3 THEN option_tables_three.stock
ELSE option_tables_one.stock END AS stock