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Quasar responsive margins not working even with cssAddon enabled

I'm using quasar framework v2.6.0 with vite and I read about responsive margins based on the screen size here: quasar flex-addons. In my application, I want to make right and left margins smaller or bigger based on the window size, or the platform used.

I have already tried to enable 'cssAddon:true' in my quasar.config file, under the 'framework' object, but it seems not to work.

framework: {
      config: {},
      cssAddon: true,
      // iconSet: 'material-icons', // Quasar icon set
      // lang: 'en-US', // Quasar language pack
      // For special cases outside of where the auto-import strategy can have an impact
      // (like functional components as one of the examples),
      // you can manually specify Quasar components/directives to be available everywhere:
      // components: [],
      // directives: [],

      // Quasar plugins
      plugins: [],

I'm aware of the screen plugin, but I prefer not to use it for performance purposes, as stated here: quasar screen plugin

Here is a piece of code of my application:

<div class="q-mx-xl q-mx-sm-sm q-mb-lg primary-font word-brake-auto-phrase">
    <div class="row q-mx-xl q-mx-sm-sm q-my-xl q-my-sm-sm justify-between">
      <div class="col-12 col-sm-auto col-md-auto">
        <p v-if="!showDescription" class="text-h4">
        <p v-else class="text-h2">Other description</p>
      <div class="col-12 col-sm-auto col-md-auto q-mt-sm">
          class="button word-brake-auto-phrase bg-white text-black"
         To path

Any idea on how to resolve this?


  • I managed to solve it by myself. I imported the flex-addon module under the css prop in my quasar.config file, following the instructions here:

    module.exports = configure(function (/* ctx */) {
      return {
            /** other config params here **/
            css: ['app.scss', '~quasar/src/css/flex-addon.sass'],
            /** other config params here **/

    In this way I was able to leverage breakpoints for margins and padding in my quasar application.

    Hope this helps!