There is a requirement to generate a unique id based on a format received from request. Before inserting to DB, need to check if it already present, then generate a new if not present in DB. Currently, using Springboot 3, reactive.
Need some guidance on following code.
How to check record exists in DB and keep generating until filter condition match?
// DB CRUD operation service for Group table
// Group record is unique by groupId and type
final GroupService groupService;
public String newUniqueId(String format, String groupId) {
// try 10 times to generate a unique id
return IntStream.range(0, 10)
.mapToObj(i -> newIdByFormat(format))
.filter(newIdByFormat -> isIdUnique(newIdByFormat, groupId)) // Need some guidence here
.orElseThrow(() -> new RuntimeException("Could not generate unique id"));
private String newIdByFormat(String format) {
// Map<String, Supplier<String>> map;
return map.get(format).get();
private Predicate<String> isIdUnique(String groupId) {
// This call returns, Mono<Group> group = groupService.query(id, groupId)
return id -> groupService.query(id, groupId)
.filter(Objects::isNull); // How to return boolen value here?
// tried calling .block() here, but fails with exception
// block()/blockFirst()/blockLast() are blocking, which is not supported in thread reactor-http-nio-4
public Mono<Group> createGroup(Request) {
return transformRequest(request)
private Mono<Group> transformRequest(request) {
String uniqueId = newUniqueId(request.format, request.groupId);
return Group(uniqueId));
Thank you for your time.
private Mono<Group> transformRequest(request) {
// newUniqueId() must return a Mono.
// otherwise you start to execute the code right in this method, which is not reactive.
// Ex., a non-mono executed even if the result is cancelled.
// Reactive code executed only when it actually needed. Like lazily
Mono<String> uniqueId = newUniqueId(request.format, request.groupId);
return { id ->
new Group(id)
}.flatMap { group ->
// .save() should be a Mono
public Mono<String> newUniqueId(String format, String groupId) {
Mono.fromCallable {
// Callable executed only when it's actually subscribed
}.flatMap { id ->
groupService.query(id, groupId).retry(10)