I have a function that finds the prime divisors of a number and returns a list of its prime factors:
def prime_factors(n, listFact=[]):
end = floor(sqrt(n))
if n == 1:
return listFact
elif n % 2 == 0:
return prime_factors(n // 2, listFact + [2])
elif n % 3 == 0:
return prime_factors(n // 3, listFact + [3])
for j in range(6, end + 2, 6):
p1, p2 = j - 1, j + 1
if n % p1 == 0:
return prime_factors(n // p1, listFact + [p1])
elif n % p2 == 0:
return prime_factors(n // p2, listFact + [p2])
return listFact + [n]
So, prime_factors(120) = [2, 2, 2, 3, 5].
How can I calculate the divisors optimally from this list? My approach was very cumbersome, by adding a function called counts that returns a dictionary of the times each factor appears. So, counts(prime_factors(120)) = {2: 3, 3: 1, 5: 1}. The program is:
def find_divisors_v2(n):
dict_primes = counts(prime_factors(n))
big_list = []
for k, v in dict_primes.items():
big_list.append([(k, i) for i in range(v+1)])
divisors_perms = list(itertools.product(*big_list))
divisors = []
for perm in divisors_perms:
d = 1
for i in perm:
d *= i[0]**i[1]
return divisors
But surprisingly it is faster than calculating it on the usual manner, i.e.:
def find_divisors(n):
divisors = []
bound = ceil(sqrt(n)) + 1
for d in range(1, bound):
if n // d == d:
elif n % d == 0:
return divisors
Is there a way to extract the divisors from a list of the prime factors that is more computationally efficient? Or maybe do it by modifying the prime_factors function?
The one time I had to do this, I essentially wrote the same as find_divisors2, but optimized so that I wasn't calculating the same powers over and over again.
def factor_list(value: int) -> Sequence[int]:
# prime_factor_list is something like ((2, 3),(3, 1)) for 24
def recurse(prime_factor_list) -> Sequence[int]:
if not prime_factor_list:
return [1]
*start_factor_list, (prime, count) = prime_factor_list
sub_factors = recurse(start_factor_list)
powers = [prime ** i for i in range(0, count + 1)]
return [factor * power for factor in sub_factors for power in powers]
# prime_factors returns a list of tuple[int, int] giving prime and power
result = sorted(recurse(prime_factors(value)))