The following error message occurs when I try to implement GPU-Bertopic:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/mnt/JianFeng/2_Language_Models/", line 19, in <module>
topics, probs = topic_model.fit_transform(all_file_doc)
File "/home/ai_user/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/bertopic/", line 408, in fit_transform
umap_embeddings = self._reduce_dimensionality(embeddings, y)
File "/home/ai_user/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/bertopic/", line 3355, in _reduce_dimensionality, y=y)
File "/home/ai_user/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/cuml/internals/", line 188, in wrapper
ret = func(*args, **kwargs)
File "/home/ai_user/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/cuml/internals/", line 393, in dispatch
return self.dispatch_func(func_name, gpu_func, *args, **kwargs)
File "/home/ai_user/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/cuml/internals/", line 190, in wrapper
return func(*args, **kwargs)
File "base.pyx", line 687, in cuml.internals.base.UniversalBase.dispatch_func
File "umap.pyx", line 603, in
RuntimeError: cuBLAS error encountered at: file=/__w/cuml/cuml/python/_skbuild/linux-x86_64-3.9/cmake-build/_deps/raft-src/cpp/include/raft/core/resource/cublas_handle.hpp line=75: call='cublasSetStream(ret, get_cuda_stream(res))', Reason=1:CUBLAS_STATUS_NOT_INITIALIZED
Obtained 41 stack frames...
My code here.
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import os
import sys
import pickle as pkl
from bertopic import BERTopic
import cuml
# GPU support
from cuml.cluster import HDBSCAN
from cuml.manifold import UMAP
# CPU (very slow if sample size is large)
#from umap import UMAP
#from hdbscan import HDBSCAN
all_file_doc = ['hi, good day!', 'how are you', 'abc def ghi', 'xyz 1234 qqq' ,'nasdaq amex', 'aapl msft']
umap_model = UMAP(n_components=5, n_neighbors=15, min_dist=0.0, random_state=42)
hdbscan_model = HDBSCAN(min_samples=10, gen_min_span_tree=True, prediction_data=True)
topic_model = BERTopic(umap_model=umap_model, hdbscan_model=hdbscan_model, nr_topics=3, calculate_probabilities=True)
topics, probs = topic_model.fit_transform(all_file_doc)
If I use CPU then the error disappears. I guess it is due to some prerequisites failure or config issues...
The code is running on Ubuntu 20.04.3 with "NVIDIA-SMI 470.223.02 Driver Version: 470.223.02 CUDA Version: 11.4" and 4*RTX3090 GPU (GPU memory 24268MB). My Python version is 3.9.5. I use the following command to install cuml (copied from:
pip install \
--extra-index-url= \
cudf-cu11==23.12.* dask-cudf-cu11==23.12.* cuml-cu11==23.12.* \
cugraph-cu11==23.12.* cuspatial-cu11==23.12.* cuproj-cu11==23.12.* \
cuxfilter-cu11==23.12.* cucim-cu11==23.12.* pylibraft-cu11==23.12.* \
Thank you so much!
I just googled cuBLAS error and most results are related with out-of-memory or size parameter mismatch, but given the code can be run on CPU, the error should be due to other reasons.
I also checked the pip list. I found that bertopic (0.16) automatically installed many "...-cu12" packages, for example, nvidia-cublas-cu12, I guess (but not sure) this is the reason. I tried to degrade the bertopic but this does not help.
It could be a similar error to this issue.
When running the code you posted I noticed that torch was used by BERTopic. The error you're getting can be due to Pytorch using a memory pool of a portion of your GPU, cuML using another memory pool with the rest of your GPU memory and cuBLAS initializing some memory outside of these pools, resulting in a cuBLAS initialization error.
A solution would be to add this piece of code between your imports and your code in order to use only one memory pool:
import torch
from rmm.allocators.torch import rmm_torch_allocator