I am just starting with python. I have produced a list of ten random numbers from 1 to 100 and entered them into a list. Now I want to bin their frequencies in a second list also with ten elements each constituting one bin with bin width ten. I initialized the second list, all positions to 0. Then I wanted to simply increment the frequency bins by subtracting 1 from the random values in the first list and divide by ten, making the resulting integers correspond to indices from 0 to 9. This worked fine in C but I am not getting it in python (I realize there are more pythonic ways to doing this). I tried a few things but to no avail. Any quick fixes? here is the code:
A = [] #list of random sample expositions
i = 1
while i <= 10: # inner loop to generate random sampling experiment
x = random.randrange (0, 100, 1)
A.append (x)
i += 1
Freq = [0] * 10
for x in A:
+= Freq [(int ((x-1)/10))]
This isn't valid Python:
+= Freq [(int ((x-1)/10))]
You probably want something closer to this:
Freq [(int ((x-1)/10))] += 1
Regarding the "pythonicness" of your solution, you could go with something like:
import random
# identify "magic numbers/constants"
N = 10
# use a more appropriate random function with a list comprehension
A = [random.randint(1, 100) for _ in range(N)]
Freq = [0] * N
for x in A:
# the // operator produces an integer result
Freq[(x-1)//N] += 1
Depending on how you plan to use Freq
you might consider collection.Counter
from collections import Counter
Freq = Counter((x-1)//N for x in A)