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Why must I use Function-based views if there is Class-based?

From the Django Documentation

In the beginning there was only the view function contract, Django passed your function an HttpRequest and expected back an HttpResponse. This was the extent of what Django provided. Early on it was recognized that there were common idioms and patterns found in view development. Function-based generic views were introduced to abstract these patterns and ease view development for the common cases. The problem with function-based generic views is that while they covered the simple cases well, there was no way to extend or customize them beyond some configuration options, limiting their usefulness in many real-world applications. Class-based generic views were created with the same objective as function-based generic views, to make view development easier. However, the way the solution is implemented, through the use of mixins, provides a toolkit that results in class-based generic views being more extensible and flexible than their function-based counterparts.strong text


  • Apart from the answers listed above, we can use function based view when there is a single HTTP Method (GET/POST/PATCH etc) against a particular URL. In this case we don't need as_view() to map to correct handler methods as there is only one in this case.