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@apply is not supported within nested at-rules like @mixin

I'm trying to apply Tailwind classes to @mixin which is @include in a CSS selector as follows:

@mixin card ($shadowColor) {
    @apply p-4 m-4 shadow-xl $shadowColor;
    border-radius: 4px;
    border: 1px solid black;

#works {
    @apply text-center;

    & #works-list {
        @apply grid sm:grid-cols-1 md:lg:grid-cols-4 md:lg:gap-4;

        & article {
            @include card ('shadow-green-600');
            @include font-anironc;

            @apply flex items-center justify-center;

However, I have the following error:

CssSyntaxError ... @apply is not supported within nested at-rules like @mixin.

I checked upon the Tailwind documentation and this GitHub Issue but I could not make it work nor I am sure of how to un-nest these rules.

Here my postcss.config.js file:

module.exports = {
    parser: "postcss-scss",
    plugins: {
        "postcss-import": {},
        "tailwindcss/nesting": "postcss-nesting",
        tailwindcss: {},
        autoprefixer: {},
        "@csstools/postcss-sass": "./src/css/style.scss",

How may I make it work ?

I'll give you a bit more context, it's an educational project in which we have to mix PostCSS and Tailwind even if it's not recommended.

Feel free to ask me further information.


  • Consider compiling the SCSS before Tailwind sees it by reorganizing the order of the PostCSS plugins:

    plugins: {
      "@csstools/postcss-sass": "./src/css/style.scss",
      "postcss-import": {},
      "tailwindcss/nesting": "postcss-nesting",
      tailwindcss: {},
      autoprefixer: {},

    Or perhaps

    plugins: {
      "postcss-import": {},
      "@csstools/postcss-sass": "./src/css/style.scss",
      "tailwindcss/nesting": "postcss-nesting",
      tailwindcss: {},
      autoprefixer: {},

    Depending on whether you want @csstools/postcss-sass or postcss-import to resolve @imports.

    For your information, it is completely fine that you use Tailwind with PostCSS – Tailwind is a PostCSS plugin! As per their documentation, it's Sass that is not recommended to be used in conjunction with Tailwind:

    For the best development experience, we highly recommended that you use PostCSS exclusively, and that you don’t use preprocessors like Sass or Less in your Tailwind projects.