I am making a simple API using Python and Flask Framework and I am getting the correct output, but the problem with output is that It come in alphabetical order and I want to customize it in specific order.
This is the code I wrote
First part of code Second Part of code
Output I am getting
"alma": None,
"close": 1549.6,
"high": 1556.7,
"low": 1544.8,
"name": "ACC",
"open": 1554.9,
"volume": 1441
Output I want
"name": "ACC",
"open": 1554.9,
"high": 1556.7,
"low": 1544.8,
"close": 1549.6,
"volume": 1441
"alma": None
I want to change the Output format but I don't know how to do it, If anyone know pleas tell me.
Flask offers the following configuration:
app = Flask(__name__)
app.config['JSON_SORT_KEYS'] = False