-- Generate dynamic column list
FROM AttributeValue
WHERE ProjectID = @ProjectId
FOR XML PATH(''), TYPE).value('.', 'NVARCHAR(MAX)'), 1, 1, '');
-- Define data types for the columns
DECLARE @columnDefinitions NVARCHAR(MAX);
SET @columnDefinitions = STUFF((SELECT DISTINCT ',' + QUOTENAME(Attribute) + ' NVARCHAR(100)'
FROM AttributeValue
WHERE ProjectID = @ProjectId
FOR XML PATH(''), TYPE).value('.', 'NVARCHAR(MAX)'), 1, 1, '');
SET @createTableQuery = 'CREATE TABLE ##Attributes (AssetItemID INT, ' + @columnDefinitions + ');';
SET @query = 'INSERT INTO ##Attributes
SELECT AssetItemID, ' + @cols + '
(SELECT i.AssetItemID, av.Attribute, i.Value
FROM Item2Item i
INNER JOIN AttributeValue av ON av.AttributeValueID = i.SubTypeAttributeID
INNER JOIN AssetItem (NOLOCK) a ON a.AssetItemID = i.AssetItemID
WHERE av.ProjectID = ' +CAST(@ProjectId AS VARCHAR(10))+'
AND a.Owner = '+ QUOTENAME(@Package,'''') +'
) src
MAX(Value) FOR [Attribute] IN (' + @cols + ')
) AS piv;';`
I have tried setting columnDefinitions
when defining the columns to even NVARCHAR(1)
and doesn't work have around 450 attributes but still states row size to big
This problem that you are having usually happens when the combined size of your columns exceeds the SQL Server row size limit. In your case, having around 450 attributes with NVARCHAR(100)
each contributes to this.
To make this right, try reducing the column size, maybe to NVARCHAR(50)
, to shrink the overall row size. else you can do vertical partitioning, like breaking your table into smaller ones with fewer columns.