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Dataweave is not creating only one record instead of 4

I want to create 4 records per object from the payload shown below. Each key has it own mapping which is an integer (ASC__c,CDF23__c,Option_Set__c,Statement_Message_ID__c) which is going to be the ":USRDSB:-FIELD-IND".

**Input JSON **

        "Statement_Message_ID__c": "15673",
        "Option_Set__c": "801",
        "TSYS_ID__c": "12346849",
        "ASC__c": "V01",
        "CDF23__c": "1"
        "Statement_Message_ID__c": "15839",
        "Option_Set__c": "813",
        "TSYS_ID__c": "12347015",
        "ASC__c": "V01",
        "CDF23__c": "1"

I have the below dw script. I am iterating over each object in the payload where the size is 2 and I have created an Array fieldDataArray which has a size of 4. So, for each object it has to create 4 records in the flat file. But the script is creating only one per TSYS_ID__c

%dw 2.0
output application/flatfile schemaPath = "schemas/VP.ffd", structureIdent="MultiSegment"
var fieldDataArray= 0 to 3
fun filterKey(keyName, keyArray) = sizeOf(keyArray filter ((item, index) -> item ~= keyName ))==1
    vps: {
        vps: [{
            ":USRDSB:-SOURCE": {
                ":USRDSB:-SOURCE": "SOURCE",
                ":USRDSB:-SOURCE-ID ": "MULESOFT"
            ":USRDSB:-HEADER": {
                ":USRDSB:-HEADER": "HEADER",
                ":USRDSB:-TRANSMISSION-ID": "VTY"
            ":USRDSB:-DETAIL-RECORD": payload map ( payload01 , indexOfPayload01 ) -> {
                ( fieldDataArray map  {
                    ":USRDSB:-FIELD-IND": flatten(payload01 pluck $$) match {
                        case k if(filterKey("Option_Set__c",flatten(payload01 pluck $$)) and $$ == 0) -> "019303" as Number 
                        case k if(filterKey("Statement_Message_ID__c",flatten(payload01 pluck $$)) and $$ == 1) -> "014205" as Number
                        case k if(filterKey("CDF23__c",flatten(payload01 pluck $$)) and $$ == 2) -> "008902"  as Number
                        case k if(filterKey("ASC__c",flatten(payload01 pluck $$)) and $$ == 3) -> "011206" as Number
                        else -> "1" as Number
                 ":USRDSB:-CARD-NBR": payload01.TSYS_ID__c,
                    ":USRDSB:-CUST-IND": "D",
                    ":USRDSB:-FIELD-DATA": payload01.Statement_Message_ID__c


- id: 'MultiSegment'
  name: MultiSegment
  - groupId: 'vps'
    - groupId: 'vps'
      count: '>1'
        - { idRef: ':USRDSB:-SOURCE', count: 1 }
        - { idRef: ':USRDSB:-HEADER', count: 1 }
        - { idRef: ':USRDSB:-DETAIL-RECORD', count: '>1' }
  - { name: ':USRDSB:-COMMENT-IND', type: String, length: 1 }
  - { name: 'FILLER1', usage: U, type: String, length: 1 }
  - { name: ':USRDSB:-SOURCE', type: String, length: 6, value: 'SOURCE' }
  - { name: 'FILLER2', usage: U, type: String, length: 1 }
  - { name: ':USRDSB:-SOURCE-ID ', type: String, length: 8, value: 'MULESOFT' }
  - { name: ':USRDSB:-COMMENT-IND', type: String, length: 1 }
  - { name: 'FILLER1', usage: U, type: String, length: 1 }
  - { name: ':USRDSB:-HEADER', type: String, length: 6, value: 'HEADER' }
  - { name: 'FILLER2', usage: U, type: String, length: 1 }
  - { name: ':USRDSB:-TRANSMISSION-ID', type: String, length: 8, value: 'TBC' }
  - { name: 'FILLER3', usage: U, type: String, length: 1 }
  - { name: ':USRDSB:-COMMENT-IND', type: String, length: 1 }
  - { name: 'FILLER1', usage: U, type: String, length: 1 }
  - { name: ':USRDSB:-FIELD-IND', type: Integer, length: 6, format: { justify: ZEROES, sign: UNSIGNED }}
  - { name: 'FILLER2', usage: U, type: String, length: 1 }
  - { name: ':USRDSB:-CARD-NBR', type: String, length: 19 }
  - { name: 'FILLER3', usage: U, type: String, length: 1 }
  - { name: ':USRDSB:-CUST-IND', type: String, length: 1 }
  - { name: 'FILLER4', usage: U, type: String, length: 1 }
  - { name: ':USRDSB:-FIELD-DATA', type: String, length: 80 }
  - { name: 'FILLER5', usage: U, type: String, length: 9 }

Current Output:

  HEADER VTY      
  011206 12346849            D 15673                                                                                    
  011206 12347015            D 15839   

Expected output:

  019303 12346849            352
  008902 12346849            02  
  011206 12346849            D 15673  
  014205 12346849            F0015
  019303 12347015            353
  008902 12347015            03
  011206 12347015            V03
  014205 12347015            F0015
      Statement_Message_ID__c TSYS_ID__c
      Option_Set__c           TSYS_ID__c
      ASC__c                  TSYS_ID__c
      CDF23__c                TSYS_ID__c

I am missing something on the dw. Could someone help me to understand and fix this?



  • Your description is incomplete but if you want to generate multiple records usually you can either add the records explicitly (eg [ {a:1, b:...}, {a:2, b:...}, {a:3, b:...}, {a:4, b:...} ]) or using more generic code to achieve the same result. After that use flatten() or flatMap() to flatten each subarray into a single output.

    In the script you shared the issue is that it is outputting one array for a field, not an array of of the detail records.

    It also adds unneeded complexity. Why to convert strings to numbers if they are going to be output as a string? If you want to be sure they are a number then use a number. The way the mapping is done is too complex and doesn't communicate the intention.

    I rewrote the script to have a variable that has the mappings. I can map over the entries to get the "number" of records to generate and apply the variable to get the value for the current key. I used output JSON just to illustrate the method. I recommend to use JSON or DW outputs for debugging, then when you have the structure as desired change to a flatfile output. Note how the expression inside flatMap() returns an array of item, which would be the same if we used an explicit array instead.

    %dw 2.0
    output application/json  
    var fieldsMapping = {
      "Statement_Message_ID__c": "014205",
      "Option_Set__c": "019303",
      "ASC__c": "011206",
      "CDF23__c": "008902"
      vps: {
        vps: [
            ":USRDSB:-SOURCE": {
              ":USRDSB:-SOURCE": "SOURCE",
              ":USRDSB:-SOURCE-ID ": "MULESOFT"
            ":USRDSB:-HEADER": {
              ":USRDSB:-HEADER": "HEADER",
              ":USRDSB:-TRANSMISSION-ID": "VTY"
            ":USRDSB:-DETAIL-RECORD": payload flatMap (item) -> 
                entriesOf(fieldsMapping) map {
                    ":USRDSB:-FIELD-IND": $.value,
                    ":USRDSB:-CARD-NBR": item.TSYS_ID__c,
                    ":USRDSB:-CUST-IND": "D",
                    ":USRDSB:-FIELD-DATA": item.Statement_Message_ID__c


      "vps": {
        "vps": [
            ":USRDSB:-SOURCE": {
              ":USRDSB:-SOURCE": "SOURCE",
              ":USRDSB:-SOURCE-ID ": "MULESOFT"
            ":USRDSB:-HEADER": {
              ":USRDSB:-HEADER": "HEADER",
              ":USRDSB:-TRANSMISSION-ID": "VTY"
            ":USRDSB:-DETAIL-RECORD": [
                ":USRDSB:-FIELD-IND": "014205",
                ":USRDSB:-CARD-NBR": "12346849",
                ":USRDSB:-CUST-IND": "D",
                ":USRDSB:-FIELD-DATA": "15673"
                ":USRDSB:-FIELD-IND": "019303",
                ":USRDSB:-CARD-NBR": "12346849",
                ":USRDSB:-CUST-IND": "D",
                ":USRDSB:-FIELD-DATA": "15673"
                ":USRDSB:-FIELD-IND": "011206",
                ":USRDSB:-CARD-NBR": "12346849",
                ":USRDSB:-CUST-IND": "D",
                ":USRDSB:-FIELD-DATA": "15673"
                ":USRDSB:-FIELD-IND": "008902",
                ":USRDSB:-CARD-NBR": "12346849",
                ":USRDSB:-CUST-IND": "D",
                ":USRDSB:-FIELD-DATA": "15673"
                ":USRDSB:-FIELD-IND": "014205",
                ":USRDSB:-CARD-NBR": "12347015",
                ":USRDSB:-CUST-IND": "D",
                ":USRDSB:-FIELD-DATA": "15839"
                ":USRDSB:-FIELD-IND": "019303",
                ":USRDSB:-CARD-NBR": "12347015",
                ":USRDSB:-CUST-IND": "D",
                ":USRDSB:-FIELD-DATA": "15839"
                ":USRDSB:-FIELD-IND": "011206",
                ":USRDSB:-CARD-NBR": "12347015",
                ":USRDSB:-CUST-IND": "D",
                ":USRDSB:-FIELD-DATA": "15839"
                ":USRDSB:-FIELD-IND": "008902",
                ":USRDSB:-CARD-NBR": "12347015",
                ":USRDSB:-CUST-IND": "D",
                ":USRDSB:-FIELD-DATA": "15839"

    This answer is just to explain a method to generate multiple records. You can change the script to add details that you didn't explain in your question.