I am trying to get a similar functionality to Instagram, when you tap or pinch on an image, and now the image covers the screen above all the other views, like this
I have a Fragment with 3 images within a Constraint Layout, and I use a Navigation component. These images should be zoomed in when someone taps on them, like focusing on the image.
At first, I tried using other fragments to simulate this. My approach was to use buttons, then when you tap the button, it navigates to another fragment with the image on a bigger scale. However, due to the things I'm doing with the fragment, this method does not work because it resets the rest of the information when navigating through fragments.
Then, I tried to use PhotoView, but due to the need to make the layout responsive, it doesn't work, because the image can only be zoomed within the constraints set like this:
app:layout_constraintTop_toBottomOf="@id/txt_contenido" />
The constraints Normal Zoomed in
So that is useless to me because I need the images to take basically over the screen.
I then tried ZoomHelper, but since I am using a fragment with a navigation Component, I have no clue how to implement it properly.
I also came across this zoom_pinch_overlay package which does precisely what I need, but I am a complete stranger to Flutter, and I suppose I cannot use it in any way with my app
What is the best way to do it, or which approach should I try to figure out?
I finally found what I need through StfalconImageViewer
Just in case anyone ever has a similar situation with ViewBinding and Fragments, to implement it with a single image to test, i did it this way:
//Set up StfalconImageViewer when the image is clicked
binding.imgNota.setOnClickListener {
And the method:
private fun showImageWithStfalconViewer() {
// Replace 'R.drawable.img' with the actual drawable resource ID or image URL
val imageUrl = R.drawable.img
val images = listOf(imageUrl)
val builder = StfalconImageViewer.Builder<Int>(requireContext(), images) { view, image ->
// Load the image directly into the ImageView
// Optional set a transparent background color
.allowSwipeToDismiss(true) // Allow dismissing by clicking outside the image