We need to move from Oracle 11 to Oracle 19. Our Oracle 11 includes Apex 5.0.4 version with applications which need to be moved as well. Point is for Oracle Database 19c the minimum APEX version is 18.2, so we need to also upgrade Apex, and, as far as we understand, Oracled 19c included natively Apex 18.2.
We only found news where it's suggested to apply the script of the latest Apex version in order to directly upgrade Apex content and metadata, but this affects scenarios where Oracle DB should not be moved.
We were thinking to remove Apex 18.2 from Oracle installation (by using using apxremov.sql script available in Apex zipped installation scripts), copy Apex 5.0.4 schemas from Oracle 11 to Oracle 19 and then, applying Oracle 18.2 scripts which should upgrade version.
I'm wondering which is the better way to move applications to Apex 5.0.4 to Apex 18.2 (or even some later versions) in our scenario.
We really appreciate your thoughts and pov.
Thanks! Stefano
This is my suggestion; you don't have to accept it if you don't like it. Wait for someone else's opinion.
Current situation:
My suggestion:
Approach I wouldn't want to take is what you said:
... remove Apex 18.2 from Oracle installation (...), copy Apex 5.0.4 schemas from Oracle 11 to Oracle 19 and then, applying Oracle 18.2 scripts which should upgrade version.