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Is there a straightforward way to use Tailwind CSS with Quarto as a base theme for a blog?

I want to use tailwind instead of Bootstrap in all the app, so I used include-in-header. I used the example from the Tailwind docs:

title: "Fake app"
pagetitle: "Fake page title"
subtitle: "Fake role"

      - text: |
          <script src=""></script>
          <link rel="stylesheet" href="">

::: {.py-8 .px-8 .max-w-sm .mx-auto .bg-white .rounded-xl .shadow-lg .space-y-2 .sm:py-4 .sm:flex .sm:items-center .sm:space-y-0 .sm:space-x-6}
<img class="block mx-auto h-24 rounded-full sm:mx-0 sm:shrink-0" src="/img/erin-lindford.jpg" alt="Woman's Face" />

::: {.text-center .space-y-2 .sm:text-left}
::: {.space-y-0.5}
Erin Lindford
::: {.text-lg .text-black .font-semibold}
Product Engineer
::: {.text-slate-500 .font-medium}

<button class="px-4 py-1 text-sm text-purple-600 font-semibold rounded-full border border-purple-200 hover:text-white hover:bg-purple-600 hover:border-transparent focus:outline-none focus:ring-2 focus:ring-purple-600 focus:ring-offset-2">Message</button>

This is the output


As you can see, the code snippet I took from from Tailwind CSS official website and put it in my Quarto index.qmd file doesn't work, and unfortunately breaks..


  • You'd want to use the Play CDN, not the random CSS and JS files you included:

          - text: |
              <script src=""></script>

    Though do be aware that:

    The Play CDN is designed for development purposes only, and is not the best choice for production.

    Otherwise, you could consider integrating the Tailwind CLI, via NPM or as a standalone executable. The Tailwind build process is language-agnostic so it should work with your project (if you are using the standalone executable, substitute npx tailwindcss with path to the executable):

    1. Create a Tailwind configuration:
      $ npx tailwindcss init
    2. Include file paths/globs that cover source code that contain Tailwind class names using the content option:
      module.exports = {
        content: [
        theme: {
          extend: {},
        plugins: [],
    3. Have an input CSS file:
      /* input.css */
      @tailwind base;
      @tailwind components;
      @tailwind utilities;
    4. Run a compilation:
      npx tailwind --input path/to/input.css --output path/to/output.css
    5. Include the output.css file in your project:
          css: path/to/output.css