Secret manager can specify kebab case secret name, but I meet the error
functions: Failed to read local secrets file /work/dist/.secret.local: Invalid dotenv file, error on lines: project-bucket-url="gs://"
with /work/dist/.secret.local contains
though defineSecret("project-bucket-url") works with kebab case secret name in production. How can we overwrite the defined value in emulator environment?
Notice the error message says that file is a "dotenv" file. That has a specific format. From what I can see, hyphens are not allowed in dotenv key names.
For the sake of portability (and sanity), environment variable names must consist solely of letters, digits, and the underscore ( _ ) and must not begin with a digit. In regex-speak, the names must match the following pattern:
That's probably because dotenv was invented as a method to store environment variables, which typically use underscore as a word separator, and also all caps.
You should consider changing the names to something more conventional and supported by dotenv.