_Hi, I struggle to return the first non blank value of my "BDD Index" Table filtered with 'BDD Index'[Ordre TimeLine] = [Mesure 2 MAX ordrerLine].
I Don't understand why the following code returns an empty table, whereas when I replace [Mesure 2 MAX orderLine] by a number & SELECTEDVALUE('BDD Index'[Bat]) by "IGH", it works ? :
'BDD Index',
'BDD Index'[Ordre TimeLine] = [Mesure 2 MAX orderLine] && 'BDD Index'[Bat] = SELECTEDVALUE('BDD Index'[Bat])
And then my DAX formula won't work :
Mesure FNBV =
'BDD Index'[Date & Heure],
'BDD Index',
'BDD Index'[Ordre TimeLine] = [Mesure 2 MAX orderLine] && 'BDD Index'[Bat] = SELECTEDVALUE('BDD Index'[Bat])
Besides, When I calculate the following measure with an IF evaluation, it breaks my filter context and i can't understand why, even when I add a KEEPFILTER context :
Mesure TEST_ = IF(
HASONEVALUE('BDD Index'[Bat]) && SELECTEDVALUE('BDD Index'[Ordre TimeLine]) = [Mesure 2 MAX orderLine],
0 )
Thanks in advance !
Image of filter context broken
instead of (without IF measure)
Change your Mesure 2 MAX orderLine
measure to:
Mesure 2 MAX orderLine =
MAX('BDD Index'[Ordre TimeLine]),
And update Mesure FNBV
Mesure FNBV =
var maxOrder = [Mesure 2 MAX orderLine]
FIRSTNONBLANK('BDD Index'[Date & Heure], 1),
'BDD Index'[Ordre TimeLine] = maxOrder
See if that is what you are after. If it is then I'll follow-up with an explanation or answer any questions. It wasn't clear what you were intending to do.