This is my code:
import telebot
import openai
bot = telebot.TeleBot("0")
openai.api_key = "0"
def lalala(message):
if == -1002097745017:
if "@0" in message.text:
message.text = (message.text).replace("@0 ", "")
response = client.completions.create(model="gpt-3.5-turbo-0613", prompt=message.text, max_tokens=1000)
full_response = response['choices'][0]['text'] # Use the text property of the first element of the choices list to access the full response
lines = full_response.splitlines() # Split the response into individual lines
for line in lines: # Iterate over the lines
bot.send_message(, line) # Send each line back to the user as a separate message
except Exception as e:
bot.send_message(, "work only -")
bot.polling(none_stop=True, interval=0)
I'm getting the following error:
NameError: name 'client' is not defined
If I change this...
response = client.completions.create(model="gpt-3.5-turbo-0613", prompt=message.text, max_tokens=1000) this.
response = openai.Completion.create(model="text-davinci-003", prompt=message.text, max_tokens=1000)
Then I'm getting the following error:
This is a chat model and not supported in the v1/completions endpoint. Did you mean to use v1/chat/completions?
You tried multiple combinations, but not the right one.
not client
, because you didn't initialize OpenAI with client
, but with openai
method name, not Completion.create
if you're using OpenAI Python SDK version >=1.0.0
is a Completions model, it will not work because it was deprecated not long ago. Use gpt-3.5-turbo-instruct
instead, which is the recommended replacement for the text-davinci-003
.The following should work:
response = openai.completions.create(model="gpt-3.5-turbo-instruct", prompt=message.text, max_tokens=1000)