I'm working on a simple dialog to edit a user's data in Angular 17. The thing is that, when I try to inject data from the parent component, an error displays in VSCode that says:
No suitable injection token for parameter 'data' of class 'UsersCrudModalComponent'. Consider using the @Inject decorator to specify an injection token.
This is the code right now:
editUser(uuid: string) {
const user: IUser | undefined = this._users.find((f: IUser) => (f.uuid = uuid));
const dialogRef = this.dialog.open(UsersCrudModalComponent, { data: { user: user } });
private readonly _dialogRef: MatDialogRef<LoginModalComponent>,
private readonly _usersService: UsersService,
private readonly _translate: TranslateService,
@Inject(MAT_DIALOG_DATA) public data: { user: IUser },
) {
this.user = this.data.user;
On the other hand, if I move the @Inject
line to be the first one in the constructor injections, I get this error:
Unable to resolve signature of parameter decorator when called as an expression. Argument of type '0' is not assignable to parameter of type '3'.
I suspect it's related to typescript version, but I don't see anything odd.
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I modified the tsconfig.json, changing experimentalDecorators
from true to false. Now the first error doesn't appear anymore, but I still have the "No suitable injection token for parameter 'data' of class 'UsersCrudModalComponent'. Consider using the @Inject decorator to specify an injection token."
After trying to change typescrypt and node versions, I gave up and ended up trying to go back to the last commit, download the node_modules again and now it doesn't show any error.
Also, I must say I didn't have a good version of both typescript and node for Angular 17 according to the official documentation.
My current code is like this right now:
"name": "gaia-spa",
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"ng": "ng",
"start": "ng serve",
"start:dev": "ng serve --configuration development",
"build": "ng build",
"watch": "ng build --watch --configuration development",
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"serve:ssr:gaia-spa": "node dist/gaia-spa/server/server.mjs"
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