Search code examples

Mongo DB- Update document field if a particular field has more than one document matches


Example Mongo DB documents Doc 1 { _id 123 Customer: customer A State: TX City: Houston checksum: 1111 IsBundlled: }

Doc 2 { _id 1234 Customer: customer B State: TX City: Houston checksum: 1111 IsBundlled: }

Doc 3 { _id 12345 Customer: customer c State: NY City: Buffalo checksum: 2222 IsBundlled:


Checksum field is populated in app code using State and City fields.


Populate IsBundled field for each document to true, if a checksum matches more than 1 documents. In our case 1st and 2nd documents needs to updated with isBundled: true . Instead of adding this logic in application code, I am looking for better solutions using aggregation pipeline

Also how to perform this aggregation in app code via Spring Boot Mongo AggregationUpdate class


  • $merge is available from versions greater than MongoDB 4.4

    As $merge at the end of aggregation pipeline is necessary to update the collection through aggregation.

    For more information about $merge :

    $group: To group the matching documents.
    $set: To modify the document
    $gt: To check if greater than condition
    $replaceRoot: To replace the current document structure by another.

    MongoDB Playground link :

        $group: {
          _id: "$checksum",
          count: {
            $sum: 1
          bundles: {
            $push: "$$ROOT"
        "$unwind": "$bundles"
        $set: {
          "bundles.IsBundled": {
            $gt: [
        "$replaceRoot": {
          "newRoot": "$bundles"