Example Mongo DB documents Doc 1 { _id 123 Customer: customer A State: TX City: Houston checksum: 1111 IsBundlled: }
Doc 2 { _id 1234 Customer: customer B State: TX City: Houston checksum: 1111 IsBundlled: }
Doc 3 { _id 12345 Customer: customer c State: NY City: Buffalo checksum: 2222 IsBundlled:
Checksum field is populated in app code using State and City fields.
Populate IsBundled field for each document to true, if a checksum matches more than 1 documents. In our case 1st and 2nd documents needs to updated with isBundled: true . Instead of adding this logic in application code, I am looking for better solutions using aggregation pipeline
Also how to perform this aggregation in app code via Spring Boot Mongo AggregationUpdate class
is available from versions greater than MongoDB 4.4
As $merge
at the end of aggregation pipeline is necessary to update the collection through aggregation.
For more information about $merge
: https://www.mongodb.com/docs/manual/reference/operator/aggregation/merge/
To group the matching documents.
To modify the document
To check if greater than condition
To replace the current document structure by another.
MongoDB Playground link : https://mongoplayground.net/p/pV_UbQ-ADby
$group: {
_id: "$checksum",
count: {
$sum: 1
bundles: {
$push: "$$ROOT"
"$unwind": "$bundles"
$set: {
"bundles.IsBundled": {
$gt: [
"$replaceRoot": {
"newRoot": "$bundles"