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Bun run does nothing but echo the command

I'm currently trying to create a Tauri app using Bun in WSL. Using bun create tauri-app:

✔ Project name · test
✔ Choose which language to use for your frontend · TypeScript / JavaScript - (pnpm, yarn, npm, bun)
✔ Choose your package manager · bun
✔ Choose your UI template · Vanilla
✔ Choose your UI flavor · TypeScript

Template created! To get started run:
  cd test
  bun install
  bun run tauri dev

Following these commands, bun run tauri dev just echos tauri dev

root@DESKTOP-FOOBAR/some/path/test# bun run tauri dev
$ tauri dev

Nothing actually happens. After a few seconds of waiting, it sends me back to the terminal command line input.


  • If you want to run Tauri's frontend without npm use this command:

    bunx --bun vite

    And then run the rust backend part:

    cd src-tauri
    cargo run

    I wrote on this topic a little more here at the end.