I've this in mind:
// This is called at multiple locations and each handles the returned object
// differently. Handling also differs depending on the returned object type.
void GetObject() {
// Check runtime condition
// Object1 and Object2 are completely dissimilar and do not share a base class.
if (condition1) {
// Operations to prepare for construction of Object1
throw Object1{ var1, var2, var3 };
if (condition2) {
// Operations to prepare for construction of Object2
throw Object2{ var4, var5 };
throw MyException{};
// Usage example
int main() {
try {
catch (const Object1& obj1) {
// Object1-specific handling
catch (const Object2& obj2) {
// Object2-specific handling
catch (const MyException& e) {
// Error handling
Curiously, the answers to questions about returning different data types do not mention this technique at all:
Is there any particular reason for this? The only reason I can think of is that it's unorthodox, otherwise this seems like the simplest and cleanest approach - no 3rd party libraries, no need to upgrade to C++17, no additional abstractions.
As many have pointed out in the comments, std::variant
would solve the problem nicely, but it requires C++17 or the boost library; unfortunately my project is unable to use either at the moment.
Thanks everyone for your inputs. They were very helpful in making me think through the various design options and highlight areas where I overlooked. I've selected the answer below as it directly addresses the reason why this technique is not considered for use. The other 2 answers proposed alternative techniques, so do take a look at them if you have similar use cases. For me, I eventually decided on output parameters as the solution due to its simplicity and also my constraints of no C++17 and no boost:
bool GetObject(
std::unique_ptr<Object1>& obj1,
std::unique_ptr<Object2>& obj2) {
// Check runtime condition
if (condition1) {
// Operations to prepare for construction of Object1
obj1 = std::make_unique<Object1>(var1, var2, var3);
return true;
if (condition2) {
// Operations to prepare for construction of Object2
obj2 = std::make_unique<Object2>(var4, var5);
return true;
return false;
// Usage example
int main() {
std::unique_ptr<Object1> obj1;
std::unique_ptr<Object2> obj2;
if (!GetObject(obj1, obj2)) {
// Error handling
return -1;
if (obj1) {
// Object1-specific handling
else {
// Object2-specific handling
Instead of unique_ptr, statically allocating the objects (i.e. on the stack) will also work if the objects aren't too large. But this requires Object1 and Object2 to have member functions that can tell callers whether the class has been initialized.
Exceptions are simply the wrong mechanism for polymorphism.
Throwing an exception is an extremely expensive operation:
Source: @Arash's answer containing this benchmark.
In this benchmark, the cost of returning an error code is mostly the same no matter how great the probability is. Throwing an exception can be over 100x slower. It's expensive because
Exceptions are zero-overhead as long as you never throw them, but if you ever do, you're in for a wild ride. That's why, as the name says, they are used for exceptional situations, like:
In a regular program execution, an exception should never be thrown.
This topic has already been discussed to death in the threads you've linked, but just to give you a few options:
(C++17) and std::expected
(C++23) in specific casesstd::unique_ptr
which simply contains both types, and a tag to say which is active
, but trivial to implementYour example is a bit too minimal to say which way works best here.