This is contents for the json file
"authorized": false,
"description": "Holds general variables",
"name": "Var",
"providerData": null,
"type": "Vsts",
"variables": {
"Var1": {
"isSecret": false,
"value": "TestVar1"
"Var2": {
"isSecret": false,
"value": "TestVar2"
This is what I was trying to run.
$json = Get-Content -Path C:\variables\var.json out-string | out-string
$name = $json | ConvertFrom-Json
$varname = $name.variables
az pipelines variable-group create --name 'Var' --variables $varname --description 'This is a test variable' --detect false --org '{organization}' --project '{project name or id}'
Any help would be appreciated as I have multiple variables to import to Azure DevOps.
How to import json file saved in local directory (desktop) to Azure DevOps Library Variable Group using az cli?
Here is the updated script for creating a variable group with multiple variables inside the group, collected from the 'var.json' file using Azure CLI
$json = Get-Content -Path "C:\Venkat\Venkat\var.json" | Out-String
$variableGroup = $json | ConvertFrom-Json
$groupName = $
$description = $variableGroup.description
$variablesObject = $variableGroup.variables
$variablesHashtable = @{}
foreach ($property in $variablesObject.PSObject.Properties) {
$variableName = $property.Name
$variableValue = $property.Value.value
$variablesHashtable[$variableName] = $variableValue
$variablesString = $variablesHashtable.GetEnumerator() | ForEach-Object { "$($_.Key)=$($_.Value)" }
# Create variable group using Azure CLI
az pipelines variable-group create --name $groupName --variables $variablesString --description $description --detect false --org '<org-Name>' --project '<Project-name>'
Once the script is run, the variable group
and variables are created in my project.