I've just started with Blazor and I want to try and make a store/portofolio kind of site where one of the pages is a gallery (similar to Instagram's profiles). I'm planning on using AWS S3 to store the photos, but I can't seem to get the photos to be loaded correctly.
I'm also using SSH.NET to connect to the S3 server.
The HTML portion
<div id="feed" class="centered">
@for (int l = 0; l < @GetLineCount(); l++) //each line has a max of 5 images
<div class="feed-line">
@for (int c = 0; c < 5; c++)
<img src="@imagesPaths[@l * 5 + @c]" />
And for the C# portion
@code {
public List<string> imagesPaths = new();
protected override void OnInitialized()
var privateKey = new PrivateKeyFile(@"PATH TO KEY");
using SftpClient client = new(serverUri, 22, username, privateKey);
if (client.IsConnected)
var list = client.ListDirectory("bucket-name/gallery/"); //Correctly retrieves a list with all the files to be loaded
foreach (var sftpFile in list)
imagesPaths.Add(sftpFile.FullName); //This would then be retrieved on the html portion
My current problem is knowing how to convert the SFTP image URI to a HTTP image URI.
orI do not know anything about Blazor.
But in general:
Either download the files to the web server in your OnInitialized
code. And make the <img src>
URL point to those downloaded files.
<img src="/some/temporary/path/on/server/image.jpg">
or make your <img src>
URL point back to your web server to a script that will stream the individual file from the SFTP server to the web browser on the fly.
<img src="some/script/on/server?download=image.jpg">
Another option is Presigned S3 URLs.