I am doing a simple flow that automates an http POST function to do a reservation. The problem is that inside the queries parameter it contains an email and I think this causes problems as it contains an @ symbol and I think it causes trouble as MS uses it as a special character.
The flow is the following.
And the contents of it are the following.
I think that the email field is the problem because the error returned by the API says that the email is invalid:
I've tested the API quite a bit with some python code and as far as I know this error is only returned when the email field is incorrect.
Also I've tried saving the email in a variable and calling it from the email field inside the query with no luck. See:
Usually POST requests have the data sent via the Body of the request and not via the Query string. Looking at the parameters in the Query, it is highly probable that this should be sent in the Body
rather than Queries
If you are needing to send the email address in the Query string, then you should try Uri Encoding it.