For a graph like this:
Company -> (many) Customer -> (many) Invoices Company <-> ASX Record
I have a traditional hierarchy of Companies with customers that receive invoices.
Then I have a table that has today's ASX ranking/market cap etc. The ASX record is assigned the ID of the Company and the Company is assigned the ID of the ASX record.
I thought that when I built resolvers that return all records, I could get details from various objects by running a query like:
query {
asx {
company {
comes back as null. That makes sense as company has not been loaded. But I thought Apollo would do some magic based on my typedefs and assemble the reponse as the expected graph of objects and attributes/values:
type asx {
id : ID!
Rank : Int
Code : String
CompanyName : String
Price : String
LastDay : String
PastWeek : String
PastMonth : String
PastYear : String
Sector : String
MktCap : String
company : company
type company {
id : ID!
asx : asx
name : String
code : String
address : String
Is there any simple way to do this? My usecase for this idea is purely to enable prototyping with in-memory database, so there are just arrays of objects behind the resolvers.
Do I have to resolve the relationships myself?
First let's clean up your types a little. GraphQL types don't need to match 1:1 with a relational structure, you have more flexibility. However it's usual practice not to include fields from other types directly in a type but just include the other type as a field (a sort of normal form if you will)
type ASX {
id : ID!
rank : Int
price : Float
lastDay : Float
pastWeek : Float
pastMonth : Float
pastYear : Float
mktCap : Float
company : Company!
type Company {
id : ID!
name : String!
code : String!
address : String
sector : String!
asx : ASX
Certain GraphQL-centric frameworks (Hasura, AWS Amplify) will resolve foreign table relationships automatically based on a decorated schema definition but vanilla GraphQL does not know how to lookup the related company from the ASX type or how to lookup the related ASX from the company. That's a job for your resolvers.
In your case you will need to write a resolver for the company
field under the ASX type and a resolver for the asx
field under the Company
type. These should just be simple SQL queries that return a single record.
For example your company
resolver could be:
company: ({ companyId }) => database('company').where({ id: companyId }).first()
(using knexJS as your ORM)
You may find my post about GraphQL for SQL developers helpful. It includes many code examples.