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How to put xml tree into separate python file?

I use python and xml.etree.ElementTree for building a xml file. But only the base tree has more than 350 lines and I would like to put this in a seperate file. How do I do that?

My code:

import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET

mydata = ET.Element('root_data')
version = ET.SubElement(root_data, 'version')
date = ET.SubElement(root_data, 'date')
groups = ET.SubElement(root_data, 'groups')
group = ET.SubElement(groups, 'group')
templates = ET.SubElement(root_data, 'templates')
template = ET.SubElement(templates, 'template')
tpl_linked = ET.SubElement(template, 'template')
--- a lot more lines like this ---

So I would like to have the stuff between the *** in a separate file.

I tried to call it via a function, but that did not work because then the variables were not known in the main program.


  • xml.etree.ElementTree have a tree.write() function to file, see the documentation.

    import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
    root_data = ET.Element('root_data') # corrected your code here
    version = ET.SubElement(root_data, 'version')
    date = ET.SubElement(root_data, 'date')
    groups = ET.SubElement(root_data, 'groups')
    group = ET.SubElement(groups, 'group')
    templates = ET.SubElement(root_data, 'templates')
    template = ET.SubElement(templates, 'template')
    tpl_linked = ET.SubElement(template, 'template')
    # For better format
    ET.indent(root_data, space='  ')
    # Write the tree to file
    tree = ET.ElementTree(root_data)
    tree.write('output_file.xml', encoding='utf-8', xml_declaration=True)

    Addition: Assume you have a file

    import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
    def xml_temp():
        root_data = ET.Element('root_data')
        version = ET.SubElement(root_data, 'version')
        date = ET.SubElement(root_data, 'date')
        groups = ET.SubElement(root_data, 'groups')
        group = ET.SubElement(groups, 'group')
        templates = ET.SubElement(root_data, 'templates')
        template = ET.SubElement(templates, 'template')
        tpl_linked = ET.SubElement(template, 'template')
        return root_data
    if __name__ == '__main__':

    This could be imported as other modules, read the modul documentation or packaging for more details. For example you have another python main file, e.g.

    import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
    from temp import xml_temp
    root = xml_temp()
    ET.indent(root, space='  ')


      <version />
      <date />
        <group />
          <template />