I want to have table and plot for number of rows greater than any specific values in column for example number of rows greater than 74, number of rows greater than 51 and ...
table (data$weight) just calculate the number of 74, number of 51 and ... but not greater than this value. I want to have linear plot of this. anybody can help? thanks in advance.
height weight
2th 192 74
8th 185 51
4th 174 50
3th 173 83
5th 172 74
7th 171 66
10th 170 51
1th 167 86
6th 167 66
9th 163 50
table (data$weight)
As per the comments:
table(datain$weight) |>
rev() |>
cumsum() |>
50 51 66 74 83 86
10 8 6 4 2 1