In flutter i want to add circular shape in existing pdf file using this code
document.pages[0].graphics.drawPie(Rect.fromLTWH(dx, dy, 50, 50), 0, 360,brush:;
And this is how i am showing my pdf file using this code
SfPdfViewer.memory( documentBytes!, key: _pdfViewerKey, controller: _pdfViewerController, onDocumentLoaded: (PdfDocumentLoadedDetails details) { _pdfViewerController.jumpTo( xOffset: xOffset, yOffset: yOffset); }, )
now i want this circular shape at where i tap on the pdf file exact location .. right now if you want to check run below full code and move the circle with your finger tap on that circle and press appbar save button it show you green dot circle shape but it not at exact location.
Full Running Code
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:flutter/services.dart';
import 'package:http/http.dart' as http;
import 'package:syncfusion_flutter_pdf/pdf.dart';
import 'package:syncfusion_flutter_pdfviewer/pdfviewer.dart';
import 'global.dart';
void main() {
home: MyApp(),
class MyApp extends StatelessWidget {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return MaterialApp(
home: HomePage(),
/// Represents Homepage for Navigation
class HomePage extends StatefulWidget {
_HomePage createState() => _HomePage();
class _HomePage extends State<HomePage> {
final GlobalKey<SfPdfViewerState> _pdfViewerKey = GlobalKey();
final PdfViewerController _pdfViewerController = PdfViewerController();
OverlayEntry? _overlayEntry;
double yOffset = 0.0;
double xOffset = 0.0;
final Color _contextMenuColor = const Color(0xFFFFFFFF);
final Color _textColor = const Color(0xFF000000);
void initState() {
PdfPolygonAnnotation? polygonAnnotation;
double x = 0.0;
double y = 0.0;
double fontSize = 26.0;
double scalingFactor = 1.5; // Adjust this value to control the speed
Offset startPoint =;
TextEditingController editableText = TextEditingController();
File? file;
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return Scaffold(
appBar: AppBar(
title: const Text('Syncfusion Flutter PDF Viewer'),
actions: [
onTapUp: (TapUpDetails details) {
'DXDYDXDY 11 : ${details.globalPosition.dx}, dy: ${details.globalPosition.dy}');
onTap: () async {
final PdfDocument document =
PdfDocument(inputBytes: documentBytes);
// document.pages[0].graphics.drawPie(
// Rect.fromLTWH(400, 700, 50, 50), 0, 360,
// brush:;
Rect.fromLTWH(dx, dy, 50, 50), 0, 360,
print('dxdxdx :: ${dx}');
print('dydydy :: ${dy}'); //
final List<int> bytes = document.saveSync();
setState(() {
documentBytes = Uint8List.fromList(bytes);
child: Icon(,
width: 40,
body: documentBytes != null
? Stack(
children: [
key: _pdfViewerKey,
controller: _pdfViewerController,
onDocumentLoaded: (PdfDocumentLoadedDetails details) {
xOffset: xOffset, yOffset: yOffset);
: Container(),
///Get the PDF document as bytes
void getPdfBytes() async {
documentBytes =
await http.readBytes(Uri.parse(''));
setState(() {});
class AnnotationPage extends StatefulWidget {
const AnnotationPage({Key? key}) : super(key: key);
_AnnotationPageState createState() => _AnnotationPageState();
class _AnnotationPageState extends State<AnnotationPage> {
double x = 0.0;
double y = 0.0;
double fontSize = 26.0;
double scalingFactor = 1.5; // Adjust this value to control the speed
Offset startPoint =;
TextEditingController editableText = TextEditingController();
File? file;
void initState() {
editableText.text = 'Add Text Here';
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return Positioned(
left: x,
top: y,
child: Stack(
children: [
onScaleStart: (details) {
startPoint = details.focalPoint;
onTapUp: (TapUpDetails details) {
'DXDYDXDY 22: ${details.globalPosition.dx}, dy: ${details.globalPosition.dy}');
dx = details.globalPosition.dx;
dy = details.globalPosition.dy;
onScaleUpdate: (details) {
setState(() {
x += (details.focalPoint.dx - startPoint.dx) * scalingFactor;
y += (details.focalPoint.dy - startPoint.dy) * scalingFactor;
fontSize = (fontSize * details.scale).clamp(16.0, 120.0);
startPoint = details.focalPoint;
// dx = details.focalPoint.dx;
// dy = details.focalPoint.dy;
// dx = x;
// dy = y;
print('DXDX :: ${x}');
print('DYDY :: ${y}');
child: Container(
child: Icon(
size: 50,
// Text(
// editableText.text,
// style: TextStyle(fontSize: fontSize),
// ),
In simple i want to add that shape at exact location of my tap on pdf.
To get the tapped page number and tapped page position, you can use the onTap callback of the Flutter PDF viewer widget.
class PdfViewerPage extends StatefulWidget {
const PdfViewerPage({super.key});
State<PdfViewerPage> createState() => _PdfViewerPageState();
class _PdfViewerPageState extends State<PdfViewerPage> {
final GlobalKey<SfPdfViewerState> _pdfViewerKey = GlobalKey();
final PdfViewerController _pdfViewerController = PdfViewerController();
PdfDocument? _loadedDocument;
Uint8List? _documentBytes;
int _tappedPageNumber = 0;
Offset _tappedOffset =;
Offset? _offset;
double? _zoomLevel;
double _circleSize = 50;
void initState() {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return Scaffold(
appBar: AppBar(
title: const Text('Syncfusion Flutter PDF Viewer'),
body: _documentBytes != null
? SfPdfViewer.memory(
key: _pdfViewerKey,
controller: _pdfViewerController,
initialZoomLevel: _zoomLevel ?? 1.0,
onDocumentLoaded: (PdfDocumentLoadedDetails details) {
_loadedDocument = details.document;
if (_offset != null) {
xOffset: _offset!.dx, yOffset: _offset!.dy);
onTap: (PdfGestureDetails details) {
_offset = _pdfViewerController.scrollOffset;
_tappedPageNumber = details.pageNumber;
_tappedOffset = details.pagePosition;
_zoomLevel = _pdfViewerController.zoomLevel;
: null,
void _addCircle() async {
if (_loadedDocument != null) {
final PdfPage page = _loadedDocument!.pages[_tappedPageNumber - 1];
Rect.fromLTWH(_tappedOffset.dx - _circleSize / 2,
_tappedOffset.dy - _circleSize / 2, _circleSize, _circleSize),
final List<int> bytes = await _loadedDocument!.save();
setState(() {
_documentBytes = Uint8List.fromList(bytes);
///Get the PDF document as bytes
void _getPdfBytes() async {
_documentBytes =
await http.readBytes(Uri.parse(''));
setState(() {});