Search code examples

How to combine filer and sortArray on stage project in mongodb

hi guys i need some help, i want to make some projection on specific field, but inside the projection stage i want also make a filter based on some condition and make a sorting. this is aggregation

    '$match': {
        '_id': ObjectId('659dfebd24358fa4604510bb')
}, {
    '$project': {
        'date': 1, 
        'serviceScheduleId': 1, 
        'serviceId': 1, 
        'branchOfficeId': 1, 
        'companyId': 1, 
        'queue': {
            '$filter': {
                'input': '$queue', 
                'cond': {
                    '$and': [
                            '$eq': [
                                '$$this.queueType', 'online'
                        }, {
                            '$eq': [
                                '$$this.checkinTime', None
                        }, {
                            '$eq': [
                                '$$this.user.status', 'incall'
            '$sortArray': {
                'input': '$queue', 
                'sortBy': {
                    'user.ticketInt': -1
}, {
    '$group': {
        '_id': '$_id', 
        'items': {
            '$push': '$queue'
}, {
    '$unwind': {
        'path': '$queue'


and this is my mongodb playground

when i excecute thet code on mongodb compas it show some error like this

Invalid $project :: caused by :: FieldPath field names may not start with '$'. Consider using $getField or $setField.


  • You can't use the field with the prefix: $ as the field name.

    Approach 1: Create another $set / $project stage

      // Match stage,
        "$project": {
          "date": 1,
          "serviceScheduleId": 1,
          "serviceId": 1,
          "branchOfficeId": 1,
          "companyId": 1,
          "queue": {
            "$filter": {
              "input": "$queue",
              "cond": {
                "$and": [
                    "$eq": [
                    "$eq": [
                    "$eq": [
        $set: {
          queue: {
            "$sortArray": {
              "input": "$queue",
              "sortBy": {
                "user.ticketInt": -1

    Demo (Approach 1) @ Mongo Playground

    Approach 2: Place the $filter operator in input field of $sortArray

      // Match stage,
        "$project": {
          "date": 1,
          "serviceScheduleId": 1,
          "serviceId": 1,
          "branchOfficeId": 1,
          "companyId": 1,
          "queue": {
            "$sortArray": {
              "input": {
                "$filter": {
                  "input": "$queue",
                  "cond": {
                    "$and": [
                        "$eq": [
                        "$eq": [
                        "$eq": [
              "sortBy": {
                "user.ticketInt": -1

    Demo (Approach 2) @ Mongo Playground