I'm trying to create a socket in NASM but nothing happens, while in C everything is OK.
My C code:
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include "personalUtils.h"
int main() {
int fd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
tryElse(fd, "Error creating a socket"); //macro
pauseHere() //macro
After running this, I open the terminal and run, lsof -i -a -p <PID>
and the socket is there, but trying to run the below NASM code and calling lsof again nothing is being listed. What am I doing wrong?
%include "utils.asm"
; Usefull constants
AF_INET equ 2 ; family internetwork to UDP, TCP, etc
SOCK_STREAM equ 1 ; stream socket
NO_FLAGS equ 0
; Main function call
global _main
_main: mov rax, 0x2000097
mov rdi, AF_INET
mov rsi, SOCK_STREAM
mov rdx, NO_FLAGS
pauseHere ; NASM macro
The correct socket(2) value to load to rax is 0x2000061, which is the same as 0x2000000 + 97, which is the same as 0x2000000 + SYS_socket. It's documented in https://github.com/radareorg/radare2/blob/master/libr/syscall/d/darwin-x86-64.sdb.txt
See 64-bit syscall documentation for MacOS assembly for write(2) that works.