How do I write (serialize) a float to JSON with fixed 2 decimals using System.Text.Json
Like {"Amount": 12.30}
Not like {"Amount": 12.3}
or {"Amount": 12.3001}
or {"Amount": "12.30"}
It seems there is no decimal precision option for float (or decimal or double or whatever), in JsonWriterOptions
or either in JsonSerializerOptions
. Also writing own converter seems to be unclear: Utf8JsonWriter
writer WriteWhat?
Ok found it, raw converter seems to work:
type TwoDecimalsConverter() =
inherit System.Text.Json.Serialization.JsonConverter<float>()
override _.Write(writer: System.Text.Json.Utf8JsonWriter, value, serializer) =
writer.WriteRawValue(value.ToString "0.00")
override _.Read(reader, typeToConvert, options) =
failwith "Not implemented"