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Can I get argparse not to repeat the argument indication after the two option names?

When I specify a parameter for argparse with both a short and long name, e.g.:

parser.add_argument("-m", "--min", dest="min_value", type=float, help="Minimum value")

and ask for --help, I get:

                        Minimum value

This annoys me. I would like MIN_VALUE not to be repeated. So, for example:

  [-m | --min-value] MIN_VALUE
                        Minimum value

can I get argparse to print that (other than by overriding the --help message entirely)?


  • You don't have to override the help message, just create your own HelpFormatter class:

    import argparse
    class MyFormatter(argparse.HelpFormatter):
        def _format_action_invocation(self, action):
            if not action.option_strings:
                (metavar,) = self._metavar_formatter(action, action.dest)(1)
                return metavar
                parts = []
                if action.nargs == 0:
                    default = action.dest.upper()
                    args_string = self._format_args(action, default)
                    parts.extend([f'[{" | ".join(action.option_strings)}] {args_string}']) # Customize the format here
                return " ".join(parts)
    # Example usage
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(formatter_class=MyFormatter)

    This way you can adjust the structure of the arguments printed within the help message without having to completely change it.