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Unable to import pyrosm and r5py even after installing these packages

I am working on a geospatial analysis project and I have been trying to install pyrosm and r5py. I installed both these packages successfully as advised in there documentation. But when I import these packages, I get

ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'pyrosm'

The same goes for r5py as well. I have wasted a lot of time on this if anyone could help me out please.

Or if anyone suggest some other package for geospatial analysis and accessibility in python that would be fine too. I want to divide a city network into 50 * 50 * 50 hexagonal grid and then connect the centers of those grids to the network. Any help would be appreciated.

I have tried to install through both pip and conda. As well as tried to install by having a separate conda environment for each package separately. But still I am getting ModuleNotFoundError.

I am on windows.

Steps that I followed for r5py are listed on its official docs site,

conda create --name r5py --channel conda-forge r5py
conda activate r5py
conda install --channel conda-forge r5py

I am able to install it but when I import r5py in jupyter notebook, i get the following error;

ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'r5py'


  • You need to install JupyterLab to use r5py in in a notebook environment as mentioned in Install using mamba/conda :

    conda install --channel conda-forge jupyterlab

    Start JupyterLab using:

    jupyter lab