Is there any algorithm to count number of non_empty sub sequence of an array with integer average, expect the brute force way? Any dp solution?
for example for {2, 6, 2} we have 6 sub squences with integer average.
I tried brute force approach but I want better algorithm using DP.
Here is a straightforward O(n^4)
def integer_average_subsequences (items):
answer = 0
for l in range(1, len(items)+1):
counts = [[0] * l for _ in range(l+1)]
counts[0][0] = 1
for item in items:
for j in range(l, 0, -1):
for k in range(l):
counts[j][(k + item) % l] += counts[j-1][k]
answer += counts[l][0]
return answer
It may seem wasteful to redo the DP for each length. But if there are more than O(n^2)
sums, it is actually faster to do it this way.