I have a hyphenated IP range, and I need to convert it to CIDR notation, for example:
input: output:,
Python has a library for it (ipaddress):
cidr = ipaddress.summarize_address_range(start_ip, end_ip)
Looking for something similar in Node.js, but unable to find it. I would rather use a library for it than implement it on my own. Looked into netmask, ip-cidr, ip6, ip libraries, but it doesn't look like any of those support it.
I think you need to use ip-subnet-calculator module:
const SubnetCalculator = require('ip-subnet-calculator');
const ipRange = '';
const [startIp, endIp] = ipRange.split('-');
const subnet = SubnetCalculator.calculate(startIp, endIp);
ipLow: 3232235521,
ipLowStr: "",
ipHigh: 3232235521,
ipHighStr: "",
prefixMask: 4294967295,
prefixMaskStr: "",
prefixSize: 32,
invertedMask: 0,
invertedMaskStr: "",
invertedSize: 0
// ...