Let say we have a model with three fields with the following definition:
class myModel(models.Model):
_name = 'my.model'
field_a = fields.Char('Field A')
field_b = fields.Char('Field B')
field_c = fields.Char('Field C', compute='compute_field_c', store=True)
def compute_field_c(self):
for rec in self:
rec.field_c = (rec.field_b or '') + ' something else'
re.field_a = 'test to see if this works properly'
is computed from field_b
and field_a
is just a normal char field. I wonder what would happen if inside the compute method we also assign a value to field_a
. I know it is not a good practice but I recently maintain some modules with this kind of architecture, the program seems to work normally but I wonder if there will some issues in a long run.
Apart from the obvious typo
I don't see any other problems with it.