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Adding custom page template to thesis

I'm trying to add a custom page template to show only one sidebar for specific pages.

I created a template page in thesis folder and I put these lines

<?php echo thesis_header(); ?>
<?php echo thesis_nav_menu(); ?>
    <div id="custom-page">
        <div class="content-column">
            <?php echo thesis_content(); ?>
        <div class="sidebars">
            <?php echo thesis_sidebar_1(); ?>
<?php echo thesis_footer_area(); ?>

I found this code in a tutorial but when I open any page with this template, page doesnt show up correctly. Because all < head>< /head> section is missing. thesis_header() function doesnt bring html page's section.

My question; how can I add all those section just like thesis_html_framework() does?



  • I could not found a reasonable method and I decided to modify structure with jQuery. This is the custom template file to show only one sidebar. I know not perfect solution, but it saved the day.

         * Template Name: Custom - One Sidebar Template
         * A custom template for use with Thesis theme for creating pages that add a left sidebar.
         *  DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE. Instead, use the thesis_hook_custom_template() hook in custom/places_template_functions.php
         * @package Thesis
        add_action('thesis_hook_after_html', 'set_one_sidebar');
        function set_one_sidebar(){
            <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
            <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript" TYPE="text/javascript">
                $('#sidebars').css('width', '230px');
                $('#content').css('width', '718px');
                $('#content_box').css('background-position', '715px');