I need to read csv file with comma and also string and numbers but number contains comma in it like 1,260. Also csv file is seperated by comma so i can not read file in right way. How could i seperate them?
import pandas as pd
df_customer_list=pd.read_csv("Customer_list 09.01.2024.csv",sep=',')
the file contains below 3 rows
angel melo,angelmelo56@gmail.com,"1,260",Yes,0
michael alem,michaleloo@gmail.com,60,Yes,0
charles ekk,charles56@gmail.com,"2,220",Yes,0
I think the core issue is that your data does not appear to have a header so that makes display of the dataframe a little wonky.
Taking your example data, I seem to be able to load it ok by just specifying the thousands separator and no headers.
import io
import pandas
data = """
angel melo,angelmelo56@gmail.com,"1,260",Yes,0
michael alem,michaleloo@gmail.com,60,Yes,0
charles ekk,charles56@gmail.com,"2,220",Yes,0
df = pandas.read_csv(io.StringIO(data), thousands=",", header=None)
Should produce:
0 1 2 3 4
0 angel melo angelmelo56@gmail.com 1260 Yes 0
1 michael alem michaleloo@gmail.com 60 Yes 0
2 charles ekk charles56@gmail.com 2220 Yes 0