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Using list(string) from KeyVault through json loaded in dynamic block terraform

I'm loading json from Azure KeyVault and convert with jsondecode(). While raw string is working, when I load the same string from KeyVault I cannot use it in dynamic Block.

Error: Invalid dynamic for_each value Cannot use a tuple value in for_each. An iterable collection is required.


resource "azurerm_monitor_action_group" "SIDevelopment" {
  name                = "Test"
  resource_group_name = "kv-test"
  short_name          = "Test"

  dynamic "email_receiver" {
    for_each = jsondecode("[\"\",\"\"]")
    content {
      name                    = email_receiver.value
      email_address           = email_receiver.value
      use_common_alert_schema = false

Not Working

data "azurerm_key_vault" "this" {
  name                = var.key_vault_name
  resource_group_name = var.resource_group_name

data "azurerm_key_vault_secret" "secret" {
  name         = var.secret_name
  key_vault_id =

resource "azurerm_monitor_action_group" "SIDevelopment" {
  name                = "Test"
  resource_group_name = "kv-test"
  short_name          = "Test"

  dynamic "email_receiver" {
    for_each = jsondecode(data.azurerm_key_vault_secret.secret.value)
    content {
      name                    = email_receiver.value
      email_address           = email_receiver.value
      use_common_alert_schema = false

When I try to compare results they are looks equal

output "kv"{
  value = jsondecode(data.azurerm_key_vault_secret.secret.value)
  sensitive = true

output "string"{
  value = jsondecode("[\"\",\"\"]")
  sensitive = true

after read output as json

  "kv": {
    "sensitive": true,
    "type": [
    "value": [
  "string": {
    "sensitive": true,
    "type": [
    "value": [

I've try toset, tolist, etc. And still can't figure out why string from KeyVault behave differently.


  • It's was just a missing nonsensitive function

    for_each = jsondecode(nonsensitive(data.azurerm_key_vault_secret.secret.value))

    So to make it work it I've replace code to be like this

    resource "azurerm_monitor_action_group" "SIDevelopment" {
      name                = "Test"
      resource_group_name = "kv-test"
      short_name          = "Test"
      dynamic "email_receiver" {
        for_each = jsondecode(nonsensitive(data.azurerm_key_vault_secret.secret.value))
        content {
          name                    = email_receiver.value
          email_address           = email_receiver.value
          use_common_alert_schema = false