I want to use R to update thumbnails of my youtube videos. I'm following the google documentation, but I get the following error:
"The request does not include the image content."
The curent status of my code is the following:
video.id <- [ID]
thumbnail.path <- [path]
youtube.client.id <- [ID]
youtube.client.secret <- [secret]
app_id = youtube.client.id,
app_secret = youtube.client.secret,
scope = 'partner'
req <- POST(
path = paste0(
"?videoId=", video.id
body = httr::upload_file(thumbnail.path),
config(token = getOption("google_token"))
I have similar queries for other API call (using PUT or GET), and they work.
I think the issue is around the upload_file
, but cannot find what should be the solution.
How can I fix that? Thanks in advance
If anyone has the same issue, I managed to fix it. I've tried a lot of things, but I think what really fixed it was to change the url from "youtube/v3/thumbnails/set" to "upload/youtube/v3/thumbnails/set".
Here is my final code:
oauth <- paste0('"Authorization: Bearer ', access.token, '"')
full.url <- paste0(
'?videoId=', video.id,
'&key=', youtube.api.key,
final.args <- c(
'--request', 'POST',
'-v', paste0('"', full.url, '"'),
'--data-binary', paste0('@', cover.path, ''),
'-H', oauth,
'-H', '"Content-Type: image/png"'
command = 'curl',
args = final.args,
stdout = file.res, stderr = file.err