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Is there a way to read the values property of a PySimpleGUI combobox?

I have created a PySimpleGUI combo box with code which simplifies down to:

combo_list = ['Choice 1', 'Choice 2']    
layout = [[sg.Combo(combo_list, default_value=combo_list[0], key='-COMBO-', enable_events=True)]]

The user is able to add items to the drop-down list, and when he quits the app, I save the updated combo_list so that it can be used when the program is next run. At the moment I am doing this by adding any new entries made by the user, to my combo_list array. But is there a way to simply read back the updated parameter 'values' from the Combo element itself rather than having to shadow it by updating the combo_list array?

There is no problem reading back the value that the user has chosen using window['-COMBO-'].get(), but in spite of checking the PySimpleGUI docs, and more generally, I have not been able to find a way to read the list of values. If this is not possible, I will continue to update the combo_list array whenever the user adds an item. But it would be good to know.


  • get

    Returns the current (right now) value of the Combo. DO NOT USE THIS AS THE NORMAL WAY OF READING A COMBO! You should be using values from your call to instead. Know what you're doing if you use it.

    To get the combo_list of a Combo element, you can get it by tkinter code, like window['-COMBO-'].widget['values'].

    import PySimpleGUI as sg
    combo_list = ['Choice 1', 'Choice 2']
    layout = [[sg.Combo(combo_list, default_value=combo_list[0], key='-COMBO-', enable_events=True)]]
    window = sg.Window("Title", layout)
    while True:
        event, values =
        if event == sg.WIN_CLOSED:
        print(event, values)
    -COMBO- {'-COMBO-': 'Choice 2'}
    ('Choice 1', 'Choice 2')