I have a good number of memory allocations i just want to let die with the process because of complicated synchronisation issues and other convenience.
I don't want to write a suppression file.
Is there some C code that i can signal this to avoid false positives (not really false but unwanted). I know valgrind has an API but failed to find that.
One easy way to quiet valgrind would be store your "leaked" pointers in a process-lifetimed data structure so that valgrind reports them as "still reachable" rather than "definitely leaked". For example, in the code below, I call IgnoreThisLeak(leakMe)
to keep valgrind from complaining that I never free my 100-byte allocation:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
struct Node
struct Node * _nextNode;
void * _leakPtr;
static void IgnoreThisLeak(void * leakPtr)
static struct Node * _tail = NULL;
struct Node * n = malloc(sizeof(struct Node));
n->_nextNode = _tail;
n->_leakPtr = leakPtr;
_tail = n;
int main(int argc, char ** argv)
int * leakMe = malloc(100);
printf("leakMe=%p\n", leakMe);
return 0;