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How can I get the network driver that a particular docker container is using?

I'm trying to debug some docker containers that aren't allowing outgoing connections. The docker documentation says that allowing outgoing connections is the default behavior of the default bridge network driver, but that the none driver does not allow outgoing connections. I'd like to be able to check which network driver these containers are using, but I haven't been able to find the right switches in docker ps (or any other command) that would allow me to do this.

How can I get the network driver for a particular docker container from the command line?


  • Use docker container inspect to view the NetworkMode attribute of the container:

    docker container inspect <container> --format '{{ .HostConfig.NetworkMode }}'

    This will either be:

    • host when running with --net=host
    • none when running with --net=none
    • default when using the default bridge network
    • container:<id> when using the namespace of another container
    • otherwise it will be the name of a Docker network (and you would inspect the network for further details)