I have a project that is using Orthographic camera
and MapControls
and my scene is rendering as it should,
However the camera is cutting the render scene in half like this
I am initializing my orthographic camera like this
export class OrthoCamera extends THREE.OrthographicCamera {
renderingContext: HTMLCanvasElement,
) {
renderingContext.offsetWidth / -2,
renderingContext.offsetWidth / 2,
renderingContext.offsetHeight /2,
renderingContext.offsetHeight / - 2,
this.move(2, 2, 2);
Further more I am creating Map controls as follows
export class Controls extends MapControls {
constructor(camera: OrthoCamera, renderingContext: HTMLCanvasElement) {
super(camera, renderingContext);
this.enablePan = true;
this.enableRotate = true;
this.target.set(40.0, 3.0, 40.0);
this.maxDistance = 240;
this.maxPolarAngle = Math.PI / 3.2;
this.minPolarAngle = Math.PI / 3.2;
And finally I am putting everything together like so
this.camera = new OrthoCamera(renderingContext);
this.controls = new Controls(this.camera, renderingContext);
I suggest you use a different way of setting up the orthographic camera:
export class OrthoCamera extends THREE.OrthographicCamera {
constructor( renderingContext: HTMLCanvasElement ) {
const aspect = renderingContext.offsetWidth / renderingContext.offsetHeight;
const frustumSize = 25;
super( frustumSize * aspect / - 2, frustumSize * aspect / 2, frustumSize / 2, frustumSize / - 2, 0.1, 1000 );
You can easier adjust the frustum size if you have a separate variable or even a parameter. The value of frustumSize
depends on the size of your scene.